Dahua NVR/XVR Phone setting
- Download app in the phone From https://dahuawiki.com/Main_Page
Ref. Link https://dahuawiki.com/DMSS //PC https://dahuawiki.com/SmartPSS
Dmss New App for both Galaxy phone, and Iphone
DMSS Android / DMSS iOS
- Step by Step Instructions DMSS / Have to Setup Account First
- Open DMSS Android/DMSS iOS on the phone, and select the home icon located on the top left corner.
- Select the “Device” button/icon on the bottom to add the recorder/camera.
- Select the “+” sign right on the top, then select “Scan”, “Manually” to add the device
- Select the “NVR/XVR”. And select DVR/XVR
- Input the device for easy identification. It’s required to input the password for the added device then select the save icon located on the top right corner.
- Input the SN by Manual sn: ************
- USER NAME admin PW ????