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Dahua NVR/XVR Phone setting

  1. Download app in the phone From

Ref. Link     //PC

Dmss   New App  for both Galaxy phone, and Iphone

DMSS  Android    /    DMSS iOS

  1. Step by Step Instructions DMSS / Have to Setup Account First
  2. Open DMSS Android/DMSS iOS on the phone, and select the home icon located on the top left corner.
  3. Select the “Device” button/icon on the bottom to add the recorder/camera.
  4. Select the “+” sign right on the top, then select “Scan”, “Manually” to add the device
  5. Select the “NVR/XVR”. And select DVR/XVR
  6. Input the device for easy identification. It’s required to input the password for the added device then select the save icon located on the top right corner.
  7. Input the SN by Manual sn:  ************
  8. USER NAME admin    PW  ????

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